Monday, December 29, 2008

GWB's Legacy

Don't know if everyone has noticed but the press is on to make George W. Bush look good. Condoleezza Rice, Laura Bush, Dick Cheney have all been out saying that GWB was a fine president. I'd like to know what they are drinking, smoking, popping or shooting, because it must be some awesome shit.

Here's a good one: Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said that despite President Bush's low approval ratings, people will soon "start to thank this president for what he's done." Maybe Haliburton, Blackwater and the like will thank him, but I don't think most of the citizens of the US will or that history will look kindly on the 8 years of this administration.

Found this quote in an article dated May 2004 from George Mason University's History News Network website: "Of 415 historians who expressed a view of President Bush’s administration to this point as a success or failure, 338 classified it as a failure and 77 as a success." My guess is the 77 who thought it was a success in 2004 have probably changed their minds in the 4 plus years since. What do you think?

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas