I hope so. It turned out to be an inch or two today, not too big of a deal. It's been quite a while since I last posted, here's a bit of a catch-up.
I did finally get a picture of gas prices while out to lunch today, 2.45 9/10. The last update on January 29th had it at 1.99 9/10. Up 46 cents since then.
The company I work for was sold to a Canadian based Security / Cash Logistics / Armored Car company called Garda. Here's the
press release about it from their website. No changes yet. Got my fingers crossed I don't get eliminated.

A couple of Friday's ago Andre Gardner from WMGK in Philly (classic rock radio station) did a
live show from a local bar, Stanley's. I met a few of the gang there in the afternoon and we had a blast! I didn't expect it to be anything special, other than hanging with the crew, but it was really a great time. They did drawings for prizes and Jane won a nice BBQ tool set and I won a ski jacket and lift tickets. Probably won't use the lift tickets and I gave the jacket to my brother because it was too small for me (shocked, aren't you all). I guess you can tell by the picture that we all had fun.