Sunday, April 30, 2006

Derby Day Approaches

I’m counting down the days until I fly home Friday for a week of vacation. It starts with the Derby party on Saturday and a busy week of fun to follow. Can’t wait! I know it will make me feel more homesick than I already am, but that is OK. Things haven’t worked out for me here in Texas and I have decided I want to come home to stay, whether it's with my current job or a new one. I have started the process already by taking the first of two certification tests yesterday that will help in the job hunt. I passed with flying colors! I am studying for the second test and will take it after my return from vacation. Then I will proceed with looking for jobs back home. Family and friends have been very supportive and I have received many offers of help. It is so wonderful to have people in your life who care about you. I feel truly lucky and look forward to the day that I am back where I belong.

Monday, April 17, 2006

Life In TX Heats Up

Record temperatures were set today in the North Texas "Metroplex" area I live in. The official high was 101 degrees. Yikes!! It wasn't quite that hot where I am, but it was close. Currently (9:30PM), the temperature here is 86 degrees. Tomorrow is supposed to be a balmy 97. Then it cools down to more normal temps. I hope this doesn't have anything to do with global warming. If so, it's going to be a hot summer here!!

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Life In Texas Plods On

It’s been a while since my last update. That’s because there’s nothing much to report. The NCAA basketball tournament is over. I enjoyed watching it and doing the pool. The NHL hockey playoffs start soon, which I will also enjoy. Can you tell I like sports? The rest of my life seems to plod on. Still don’t like living in Texas. I haven’t really made any good acquaintances. It is so different here than it is in Wilmington. The people here are so varied and from so many backgrounds, it’s hard to get to know anyone. All my friends are back home, as is my family. I miss them all so much and am incredibly homesick. The good news is I will be coming back soon on a one week vacation for the Kentucky Derby festivities and can’t wait to see everyone. I know it’ll be tough to come back to TX after that. Oh well, life plods on.