Evil Empire Destroyed
The evil empire known as the Duke Blue Devils has been beaten! Emperor/Coach Krzyzewski, Stormtrooper Shelden Williams and JJ Darth Redick could not stop the onslaught by the LSU Tigers. May the force be with you!!
The evil empire known as the Duke Blue Devils has been beaten! Emperor/Coach Krzyzewski, Stormtrooper Shelden Williams and JJ Darth Redick could not stop the onslaught by the LSU Tigers. May the force be with you!!
When I moved to the Dallas area, one of the good things was that Terrell Owens wasn't always in the news like back home. I guess that's over with now. He has signed a contract with the Dallas Cowboys. There has already been lots of coverage. Some people say Dallas will now win the Super Bowl, others say it's a big mistake. Time will tell. It'll be interesting to watch the Cowboys vs. the Eagles this year!!
In the last 24 hours or so I have vacuumed, dusted, cleaned the bathroom, mopped the floors, washed the sheets and towels, done the dishes, went grocery shopping, taken out the garbage and a few other odds and ends. I am now prepared for the upcoming NCAA basketball tournament (see the previous post). Talk about dedication!!
The NCAA basketball tournament starts soon. Check out the pool at http://home.comcast.net/~bbt2006/ and try your luck. Last year we had 87 entries and the winner received 588.00, second got 168.00 and third 84.00. The website is kept very up-to-date with standings and other info once the tournament gets underway. The pick submission section should be ready shortly after the seeds are announced on the evening of Sunday, March 12th. The deadline to submit picks will be just before tip-off of the first game on Thursday, March 16th. Good luck to all.