Tuesday, January 24, 2006

New Politics, New Views

I've decided I'm not a Democrat or a Republican. Not an Independent or a Libertarian. I'm not affiliated with any organized religion. I'm just a human being who shares this planet with hundreds of millions other humans. I don't agree with a lot of them. I don't approve of a lot of what they do. But I'm not going to spy on them indiscriminately. I'm not going to condemn them out of hand. I'm going to try to be more accepting and understanding of others. I am still going to speak out against wrongs and crimes (and there are so many), but it needs to be based on common sense and decency, not on political or religious views. I still think George W. is a scary President. But a lot of people of every political party and religion are scary. There are many good ones as well and I will listen more to them regardless of their affiliation. It should come down to humanity.

I know this is a simplistic view. The whole world is now driven by money and power. Politicians, religions, corporations, etc. all are powered by it. I'm not very religious, but one thing I agree with; The love of money is the root of all evil (Timothy 6:10. 'For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows'). Odd for me to quote the bible, but it makes sense. Money can do a lot of good for so many if used correctly. There are so many things in life that would be better if there was no greed.


At 1/25/2006 9:27 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ya best watch your ass boy... you livin in that Lone Star State which seems to be completely stupid over Dubaya!!

At 1/25/2006 9:44 AM, Blogger Chris said...

You'd actually be surprised by the number of people here who don't support Bush. I know I was.

At 1/29/2006 9:17 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Dude, glad to see a fresh entry! I agree with your almost 100% I think love of money is only 25% of the evil. The orginized religions are the other 75%. After all, if you look back in history, and in the middle east today, most of the killing is rooted in "My god is better than your god, belive or die" Cut me a break, I just don't understand how people in 2006 can belive blindly in some carp writing thousands of year ago by who freakin knows who? What, they didn't do drugs, and have crazy people 2000+ years ago? Everthing wrtiten was true and correct.. wonder if these people ever played wisper down the lane.. for 2000 years!!!
One common thread in almost all religion, the thread that no one seems to notice is "BE A GOOD PERSON" Now last I was told, killing people was not nice!
Have a great day and I applaud you in your use of reason and common sense!

At 3/07/2006 5:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

we love you willie s where ever you are and i am anonymous


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